Congratulations, in this post we will show you how to get from Kuta to Padangbai by all possible means, from the cheapest option to the most expensive and comfortable one. If possible, we show you all the possible routes by which you can reach Padangbai by ferry, plane, taxi, bus and all kind of transfers. we will also advise you the best hotels and hostels to sleep at your arrival in Padangbai and a selection of the best tours to enjoy in Padangbai.
Enter in the following search engine the cities Kuta and Padangbai and you will find the best deals and discounts on the market thanks to the most used price comparator in Asia.
Public Transport March, 22Finding tickets
Te recomiendo una de estas 2 tarjetas SIM para tu viaje a Bali
How to get from Kuta to Padangbai, Booking train, bus, ferry, flights and transfers
Here I will show you how to get from Kuta to Padangbai, booking train, bus, ferry, flights or other transfers . I like to use 12Go Asia when I travel in this continent because it offers lower prices than other comparators, although if you are from SkyScanner and you already have an account created, it is also a good option to travel to Padangbai although I recommend you to do it as soon as possible, the prices in these dates are very volatile. These are the best options to travel to Padangbai
Flight schedules from Kuta to Padangbai
Below I will show you all the updated flight schedules to Padangbai with my favorite price comparator to travel around Asia
Train schedules from Kuta to Padangbai
If you prefer to reduce a little the cost of your trip and decide to travel by train, here you have the updated train schedules and price comparator most important in Asia.
Train timetables from Padangbai to Kuta
If you prefer to reduce a little the cost of your trip and you decide to travel by train, here you have the most important updated train timetables and price comparator in Asia. [timetable agent=»3686712″ from=»Padangbai» to=»Kuta» lang=»es» curr=»EUR» class=»train
Padangbai to Kuta Bus Timetable
For the more adventurous ones, here are the updated bus timetables and the link to the most important price comparator in Asia [timetable agent=»3686712″ from=»Padangbai» to=»Kuta» lang=»es» curr=»EUR» class=»bus